How do EMS educators achieve better success in EMS learning, actually enhance lifesaving and go home feeling that they are part of something very special? In this session, the speaker, a tenured medical school Professor for many decades and streetwise EMS physician for nearly a half-century, has been asked to look back and provide audience members with some of his personal insights on how he addressed those questions during his career. By the end of the session, it is hoped that even current world-class educators will up their game even further and, in addition, garner an amplified sense of purpose and perhaps some new tools to accomplish those goals.
Learning Objectives:
Recite 3 important tools for creating a learning moment (versus a teaching moment).
Articulate how world-class educators can become even better at facilitating learning in the classroom, the ballroom, in the media --- and in the design of large conferences.
Explain a) a Gemini approach to lecturing, b) a Socratic approach to slideshows and c) why and how they can save lives in the world of EMS.
Affirm that even an aesthetically challenged, disarticulate, and aging speaker is still able to generate new learning experiences in a matter of minutes.